Literary sources |
À la recherche du temps perdu  |
Fonds Proust numérique  |
Marcel Proust on Wikisource  |
Detailed map of Paris as Marcel Proust knew it designed by the literary hotel Le Swann  |
Editions Thélème (Proust read by various comedians)  |
Events |
Le Printemps Proustien
Journals |
Bulletin d'informations proustiennes
Revue d'études proustiennes
Marcel Proust aujourd'hui
Quaderni Proustiani
Societies and Associations |
Les amis de Vinteuil
Le Cercle littéraire proustien de Cabourg-Balbec
Proust-selskabet Danish association
Marcel Proust sällskapet Swedish association
A la recerca di Proust Catalan association
Marcel Proust Vereniging Nederland Dutch association
Marcel Proust Gesellschaft
Dutch association
Associazione Amici di Marcel Proust - Napoli Italian association
Proustians Worldwide Facebook group
Proust Center-New York
Research centers |
Centre de Recherches Proustiennes
(Facebook site)
Centre de recherches Kolb-Proust University of Illinois
Touristic & institutional sites |
Official site of the city of Illiers-Combray
Museums of the Centre-Val de Loire region
La maison de Tante Léonie Center region museums website
The federation of writers' houses
Blogs and personal websites |
Proustonomics 100 years with Marcel Proust
Le Fou de Proust Extraordinary voyages within La Recherche
Proust pour tous
Proust Ink
Radio Proust