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The Proust Center~New York Programs for January-March 2019

6 years 2 months ago - 6 years 2 months ago #1 by Marcelita SWANN
The Proust Center~New York
January-March 2019 Programs at the Jefferson Market Library in Greenwich Village 

~THURSDAY, January 10, 2019, 6:00-7:30pm
The Boni Salon: Dr. Hollie Harder, Brandeis University
“On the Beach and in the Boudoir: Albertine as an Amazon Figure.”

Hollie Harder 
is Professor of French and Francophone Studies at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts.
She leads two Proust discussion groups at the Boston Athenaeum. Her article on “Albertine as a classical Amazon figure in Proust’s À la recherche du temps perdu" will be published in French Forum, in 2019.

~THURSDAY, February 14, 2019, 6:00-7:30pm
The Boni Salon: François Proulx, Caroline Szylowicz, and Françoise Leriche
“Corr-Proust: A New Digital Edition of Marcel Proust’s Correspondence”
Spend the evening exploring Proust’s letters and learning about the new, open-access digital edition of Proust’s correspondence.

François Proulx
 received his PhD from Harvard and is currently Assistant Professor of French at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He co-edited the volume Proust and the Arts (Cambridge University Press, 2015). As a member of the Proust Team at the Institute for Texts and Manuscripts (CNRS, Paris), he is a regular contributor to the journal Bulletin d’informations proustiennes. His new book, Victims of the Book: Reading and Masculinity in Fin-de-Siècle France, is forthcoming from University of Toronto Press.
Caroline Szylowicz 
is Kolb-Proust Librarian and Curator of Rare Books and Manuscripts at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, where she oversees the Marcel Proust collection in the Rare Book & Manuscript Library and the digitization of Philip Kolb’s research notes in the Kolb-Proust Archive for Research. She has published several articles on Proust’s drawings, his correspondence, as well as an inventory of the Illinois Proust collection. She is a member of the Proust Team at the Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes (CNRS, Paris) and the Caxton Club (Chicago, Il).
Françoise Leriche
 is Professor and member of the Litt&Arts research group at the Université Grenoble Alpes. She is the scientific director of the Corr-Proust project and the editor of the anthology Lettres (2004). A longtime member of the Proust Team at the Institute for Texts and Manuscripts (CNRS, Paris), she co-edited a digital edition of Proust’s Agenda 1906 (2015). Her publications include Genèse et correspondances (co-edited with Alain Pagès, 2012) and numerous works on Proust.

~THURSDAY, March 14, 2019, 6:00-7:30pm
The Boni Salon: Irene Javors in conversation with Cassandra Langer
“Proust and His Lesbians: The Worlds of Lily de Gramont and Natalie Barney."

Irene Javors,
 LMHC has degrees in counseling, philosophy and history. She writes on the interplay between culture and psyche. She is the author of Culture Notes: Essays on Sane Living.
She has written essays and reviews for the Gay and Lesbian Review /WorldwideHyperallergic as well as other cultural journals. She is a longtime Proustian who loves Madeleines.
Cassandra Langer:  Art historian and critic Cassandra Langer became the accidental biographer of lesbian expatriate painter, Romaine Brooks (1874-1970) when a search to uncover the artist’s aesthetics led Langer to rethink the flawed narrative of Brooks’ life. The award-winning author and former Smithsonian post-doctoral fellow is best known for her books, Mother and Child in Art, What’s Right with Feminism, A Bibliography of Feminist Art Criticism, Feminist Art Criticism.Her articles and reviews have appeared in Art in America, College Art Journal, Arts Magazine, Art Criticism, Women's Art Journal, Art Papers, MS. Magazine, New York Newsday, Women's Review of Books, Cleo Psyche the Journal of Lesbian Studies, and she is a contributing writer for the Gay and Lesbian Review Worldwide. 

January-March 2019
Last edit: 6 years 2 months ago by Marcelita SWANN.
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