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il y a 6 ans 5 mois #1
par Anne BORREL
Marcel Proust à BEG-MEIL / Récit inédit à travers des textes présentés et annotés par Philippe Dupont-Mouchet / Préfaces de Philippe Blay et de Dan Ar Braz / Suivi de "Marcel et Reynaldo : chronique d'une magnifique amitié" et " A la rencontre de l'oeuvre de Marcel Proust : textes choisis".
Editions PDM, juillet 2018. 288 pages, 18 €. (chez l'auteur : Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..) Abondante iconographie.
Editions PDM, juillet 2018. 288 pages, 18 €. (chez l'auteur : Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..) Abondante iconographie.
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Jérôme Bastianelli
- Marcelita SWANN
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il y a 6 ans 4 mois - il y a 6 ans 4 mois #2
par Marcelita SWANN
Réponse de Marcelita SWANN sur le sujet ACTUALITÉ BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE
Philippe Dupont-Mouchet is so absolute?
Would Proust risk his health?
"Seul film montrant Marcel Proust."
From "Marcel Proust: A Life, with a New Preface by the Author"
By William C. Carter (page 328)
The next day, when Marcel appeared for the noon wedding at the church of Saint-Augustin, the effects of sleepless nights were obvious. Mme Proust, incapacitated by rheumatism, was transported to the church in an ambulance. The bride must have wondered about the strange behavior and delicate health of Robert’s mother and brother. Valentine Thomson, a young Proust cousin, had been asked to be a bridesmaid. The pretty girl of eighteen was thrilled to be a member of the wedding and was especially proud of her beautiful dress and the large bouquet Jeanne had sent her. Valentine’s anticipation turned to horror when she saw the escort whose arm she must cling to throughout much of the ceremony, including the slow and humiliating trip up and down the aisle, while Marcel passed the collection plate. As Valentine later recalled, Proust arrived at the church grotesquely attired. Deathly afraid of drafts and cold air, he had stuffed his tuxedo with thermogene wadding and put on three topcoats. Marcel looked as though he were headed to the North Pole rather than to an indoor wedding whose guests included many of Paris’s most distinguished and fashionable citizens. Valentine was also amazed at the extraordinary pallor of this man who hardly ever went out in sunlight, ate little, and exercised not at all. The bridesmaid thought the best man looked as horrible as Lazarus must have upon emerging from the grave. 17
17. Valentine Thomson, “My Cousin Marcel Proust,” in Harper’s Magazine 164 (May 1932): 717.
Carter, William C.. Marcel Proust (Henry McBride Series in Modernism and Mo) (p. 846). Yale University Press.
Philippe Dupont-Mouchet is so absolute?
Would Proust risk his health?
"Seul film montrant Marcel Proust."
From "Marcel Proust: A Life, with a New Preface by the Author"
By William C. Carter (page 328)
The next day, when Marcel appeared for the noon wedding at the church of Saint-Augustin, the effects of sleepless nights were obvious. Mme Proust, incapacitated by rheumatism, was transported to the church in an ambulance. The bride must have wondered about the strange behavior and delicate health of Robert’s mother and brother. Valentine Thomson, a young Proust cousin, had been asked to be a bridesmaid. The pretty girl of eighteen was thrilled to be a member of the wedding and was especially proud of her beautiful dress and the large bouquet Jeanne had sent her. Valentine’s anticipation turned to horror when she saw the escort whose arm she must cling to throughout much of the ceremony, including the slow and humiliating trip up and down the aisle, while Marcel passed the collection plate. As Valentine later recalled, Proust arrived at the church grotesquely attired. Deathly afraid of drafts and cold air, he had stuffed his tuxedo with thermogene wadding and put on three topcoats. Marcel looked as though he were headed to the North Pole rather than to an indoor wedding whose guests included many of Paris’s most distinguished and fashionable citizens. Valentine was also amazed at the extraordinary pallor of this man who hardly ever went out in sunlight, ate little, and exercised not at all. The bridesmaid thought the best man looked as horrible as Lazarus must have upon emerging from the grave. 17
17. Valentine Thomson, “My Cousin Marcel Proust,” in Harper’s Magazine 164 (May 1932): 717.
Carter, William C.. Marcel Proust (Henry McBride Series in Modernism and Mo) (p. 846). Yale University Press.
Dernière édition: il y a 6 ans 4 mois par Eric Unger.
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